Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It is the third day of the year, and we are moving on with the fourth month of the year, April.  I started today's project off knowing I wanted to create a nest with a lot of texture, but that is all I knew for certain.  The rest came to me as I worked on the nest.  

I started off by gluing down two pieces of handmade grey paper flat to the center of the scrapbook page.  These two pieces will act as the bottom of the nest, you'll want them to be kind of oval shaped.  Don't worry about the edges because they will be covered up.  Next I tore up a bunch of small squares of paper.  

Then I would  bunch and mush the small pieces of paper making them extra crinkled.  Once I was satisfied with their look I would find the flat side and dab some glue on the paper.  

Then I would press the piece on the edge of the nest.  

Filling in pieces as I go, and molding them into place.  

I used one 8" x 10" sheet of grey handmade paper, and I also used a little bit of light orange handmade paper.  

Once I was finished with the nest I made five eggs out of foam.  Then I wrote 'a', 'p', 'r', 'i', 'l' on them in glue and sprinkled with pink glitter.  Then I glued the eggs down in the nest spelling out 'April'.  

Hope ya'll enjoyed!  Happy DIYing!