Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Photo An Hour #2

This past Saturday I did another Photo an Hour.  

7:30AM -- We woke up earlier, but I didn't get my fist photo off until the bed was made.  The painting above the bed is super creepy, and from my childhood.  I mostly keep it there to creep out my husband.  
8:30AM -- Sitting drinking coffee, and checkin' my BlogLovin' list.  
9:30AM -- Thinking of some DIYs for these guys.  I found the rock a while ago.  It has a natural hole through it, and I'd like to make a new necklace for it.  The white bow is a hair clip from ModCloth, and the lil' pink doggie is a pin I've had forever.  It went with a whole outfit I had as a kid, I have the faintest memory of it, and it envolved a black and white houndstooth skirt. 
10:30 AM -- Checking out one of our lovely patches of Thyme.  It's blooming and beautiful.  :)  This is it's second year back.  I think it enjoyed the mild winter.  
11:30AM -- My last paper pulp seed cups.  All the seedlings have been transplanted.  They did well in the paper cups.  They did best in my cabbage pulp cups.  
12:30PM -- My current favorite shoes.  Converse makes them.  The thing I love most about these shoes is that they aren't identical. I wish I could buy more shoes like these.  
1:30PM -- This tree stump knot has been drying out on a bench for a couple years in our backyard.  I think it's about time I planted something in it.  I love it's shape and texture.  
2:30PM -- Procrastinating getting my blog entry done.  I spent some time looking at my rock collection.  This guy guards all my goodies.  I've been thinking of getting the rocks and their friends a new home.  We'll see ...
3:30PM -- Getting my blog work done, while watching TV, and keeping a snack by as motivation.  I like to reward myself for getting stuff done - with food.  Ya know like you do with dogs and kids?  :)
4:30PM -- Gathering my stuff together to go over to our friends' Kristen and James' house.  My sunglasses are either from Urban Outfitters, H and M, or Target.  I've purchased them at all three places.  Sometimes in this color,  sometimes in other colors.  This is my current favorite color.  I got my cell phone case at my favorite farmer's market.  I don't have an iPhone.  I have T-Mobile's  3G My Touch Slide.  The keyboard is essential.  I like the phone a like, I'm not looking forward to the day I have to replace it.  
5:30PM -- Kristen and James' cute kitty.  Her name is Avie.  It's taken her a bit to warm up to Aaron and I visiting, but she's our buddy.  I'd like to get a younger kitty when we are ready.  Maybe one that likes to jump or get in water!  
6:30PM -- James made Emeril's yummy Spicy Barbecued Shrimp Skewers.  I just ate dinner, but looking at these pics makes me want to eat again!  Mmmm, James is a great cook.  He served the shrimp with a cold bean and corn salad, which was awesome too.  I'm definitely stealing these recipes.  
7:30PM -- Kristen mixed up this tasty Cherry Beer Margarita she found on Pinterest.  I generally go for whisky and cola, but this was delightful.  I have a soft spot for maraschino cherries, so this was right up my alley.   
8:30PM -- Playing with Avie after dinner.  Kristen has another cat, but Lenore is very shy.  She usually hides the whole time we visit.   I always enjoy hanging out with Kristen and James.  I'm glad they are our friends.  We left their house around nine,  and went to bed shortly after we got home.  We aren't night owls, we're early risers.  I rarely sleep past seven AM.

Hope you enjoyed this Photo an Hour!  Happy DIYing, chris.  


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