
Thursday, March 1, 2012

February in Numbers

I have a confession to make ...  when I made up my planner for this week I kept today as a surprise, because I knew I would be too tired to do much of anything when I got home from work today.  I did manage to put together My Month In Numbers for February.  Remember I got this idea last month from Notes On Paper.

I worked 15 days this month, which resulted in me driving 614 miles, to travel to 10 different schools, and to take 1333 different children's pictures.  I actually took more pictures than that, but I wasn't able to count each day, because I was doubled up on a camera for a couple days.  

I made 29 blog posts, which resulted in 23 completed DIYs, 5 post were food related, and 4 were paper related.

I spent 5 dollars on my blog this month.  Actually my husband bought me extra storage space for my blogger account.  What an awesome husband he is!

All of my hard work on here has resulted in 868 BLOG VISITS (well since I add on google analytics) and 4 new followers!!! Those numbers are super encouraging and exciting!!  Thank you everyone who started following my blog!  

It's getting late, and I have to work tomorrow.  I need to get ready for bed.  Goodnight, and happy DIYing, chris.  

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