
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Scanned Kid Pics

It's funny I've been saving up, and planning a post with scanned kid pics, and then Elizabeth over on the wonderful Delightfully Tacky beat me to it!  She has some totally cute kid pics, and perfectly awkward preteen/teen photos, you should definitely check it out!  So I took that as a sign not to put off this post any longer, and what a perfect pairing for my Saturday Blogger Love.  

1.  I'm the baby in the middle, and those are my two cute older brothers.  This is Kris' (the one on the left) sixth birthday, which makes me only 18 days old in this photo!
2.  Easter with my hair in foam rollers.  I loved that pair of stuffed chicks.  I still have the mamma bird!
3.  I loved getting my picture taken at this age.  I even went through a phase where I thought I wanted to be just like Shirley Temple.  
4.  This is a Christmas present photo.  You can see how much purple my mom used to make me sport at that age.  Purple is my mom's favorite color.  I loved those shoes too, I still think about how awesome they were. :)

1.  This is the same Christmas as number four in the last set.  That umbrella, heart purse, and heart sunglasses rocked.  If they were in teal I'd totally still wear those sunglasses.  
2.  This is just a classic Santa photo.  I think I'm almost five in this photo.   My birthday is five days after Christmas.  
3.  I loved this outfit.  You'll definitely see me in it again.  Another pair of fantastic shoes.  Even though I've never been much of a girlie-girl, I've always had a thing for shoes!

You didn't have to wait long to see the black and white outfit again!  Not sure the date is correct on these.  I don't think I would be wearing  long sleeves and pants in August.  I love the photo of me on the right.  I'm definitely rocking a mullet.  I'm pretty sure my grandmom gave me that hair cut.  

1.  This is from my third grade graduation.  That's my mom with me, as you can see she is wearing purple from top to bottom.  
2.  This dress is classic -- shoulder pads and a crazy floral print!  I loved getting my hair curled.  This Christmas my mom gave me rag curls. 
3.  This is from a trip to Atlantic City with my grandparent's.  I loved that jumper.  I wore it every other day that summer!  

1.  This is just after a perm.  I used to get a lot of perms, professionally and at home.  My mom thought that perming my thin hair would make it thicker and fuller.  I'm also sporting a Girl Scout DIY t-shirt.  The bottom is cut into a fringe with plastic beads tied on.  I wore those railroad pants a lot.
2.  This is the end of eighth grade.  At this age I started wearing Kris' hand-me-downs.  With the changes puberty brought I used my brother's boy cut clothing to cover myself up.  
3.  This is a photo from eleventh grade.  I'm wearing another hand-me-down sweater from Kris.  

Obviously this my graduation photo from high school.  I cut off all the hair I had in the last photo and donated it to locks for love.  I've kept my hair short up until recently.  I'll show some photos from college, and bring ya'll up to the present day sometime in the future.    Until tomorrow, Happy DIYing, chris!

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