
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Self Portraits

All of the bloggers I read regularly make outfit posts.  Some of the ladies I'm loving right now are Elycia over on Love Elycia, Kaylah on The Dainty Squid, Elizabeth on Delightfully Tacky, and Meredith on One Sheepish Girl will occasional post some outfit photos.  Oh, and of course I have to mention Elsie on A Beautiful Mess.  I wanted to do an outfit post, but I just never got around to taking the photos.  I used to be much more dedicated to taking self-portraits.  Actually for a college project I took a photo of myself every morning and evening right when I woke up and before I went to bed.  I did this with a 4x5 camera, and if you know anything about photography, that took a lot of dedication.  
This is a couple pairs from that series.  

Here is another self portrait from college.  This one is with a color 4x5 Polaroid.  Those were fun to play with, an expensive play thing though.  

These are two 35mm colored slides from college.  I love the color in slide film.  

Hope ya'll enjoyed.  We had a long day today!  We sat through a six hour long class on being first time homebuyers, and the programs that are available in Delaware.  We learned a lot, and we are nervous and looking forward to what the future my hold for us!  Now we are going to hang out with our buddies Kristen & James.  Hope you have a great Saturday, and happy DIYing, chris!

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