
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Favorite Photos

Yesterday work asked me to help out in the office today, and I didn't have a DIY prepare for today. I really wanted to jump back into some hands on projects with both my feet today!   Hahaha, so silly!  Though, I need a day to plan and organize my supplies/materials.  I also need to clean and do laundry.  Anyway since I didn't have a chance to create any new images for today's post, here are some of my favorite photo I've taken over the past couple years.
 Near Camp Pendleton, CA.  Road side pit stop.
 Lyndon, VT.  Our friend's bees.
 Guggenheim Museum, NY.  On our honeymoon.
 Jackson Square, New Orleans, LA.  Also on our honeymoon.
 Northern Neck, VA.  Family vacation, this was outside our rental house.
 Northern Neck, VA.  If you stand at the end of the pier in the previous photo, and looked to the left this is the view.  Gigantic birds nest on top of the gazebo.  The men seemed to think they were osprey.  I took TONS of photos of them, but none of them are my favorite. :(
 Northern Neck, VA.  This is the view looking to the right.  This is the second time my family has vacationed in this home, and I love this part of the house the most.  Obviously, the view is part of the home, right?  I could spend every sunrise at the end of that pier.  Camera in hand.  Of course.
 Oak Alley Plantation, Vacherie, LA.  300 year old trees!  Another Honeymoon pic.
 Mississippi River, Vacherie, LA.  Across the street from Oak Alley Plantation.  Love those clouds!
 French Quarter, New Orleans, LA.  I love the peeling paint, the colors, and the composition.
 New Orleans, LA.  This was taken outside our hotel.  We stayed at the Renaissance New Orleans Pere marquette Hotel.  We really liked it, the room was giant, great service, and the lobby decor was modern swanky.
Another New Orleans photo.  This one was taken in a cemetery in the Garden District.  I love their cemeteries, but I've always had a fascination with cemeteries in general.
Chestertown, NY.  Taken while visiting friends.  I love blue skies and fluffy clouds.  When I lived in California I really missed dynamic clouds.

Okay, that's it for today, happy DIYing, chris.  

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