
Friday, July 20, 2012

Fun Friday Fasinations #14

#1.  My new home is covered in wood paneling.  So I've been thinking a contemporary Scandinavian design aesthetic might be a good way to modernize all the wood.  While looking for some photo inspiration I found this amazing blue ceiling over on Design Shuffle.  The room glows.  It's so inviting I just want to lounge around and read a book in this room.  

#2.  Love the green sinks and orange faucets.  Perfect with all the black and white tiling.  This room is from Aprill Aprill, it's in Swedish.  I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how I could do this look in my house.  Would it be as powerful with just one sink?  

#3.  Fantastic coffee table make-over from We Can Re-Do It.  Love her use of colors and shapes.  

#4.  These curtain rods from Selina Lake's photos for Byron & Byron are amazing.  The colors!  The shapes and texture of the flowers!  I'm thinking that maybe I can DIY my own version of these with antique knobs and thick dowels.  

#5.  I've been hanging out in jeans and t-shirts working on the house lately, and I miss dressing up and feeling pretty.  I haven't taken any cute outfit photos in ages.  This photo from I Love You To The Moon is beyond cute.  Totally inspires me to try my hand at more interesting outfit photos.  Plus this cutie definitely makes me want to cut my hair short on one side again.  

#6.  I love little fun tattoos, and this cat tattoo is perfect.  This model also has a cute lil' giraffe tattoo on her ribs too.  Photo found on Because I'm Addicted.  

Happy Friday, and happy DIYing folks, chris!

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