
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Long Beach Island, Part 1

I went to LBI on thursday, and hung out with my good friend Mamie, her family, and her new roommate, Hannah.  They rent a beach house there every summer for a week, and lucky me, they invited me over for a sleepover for the  night! :)  Mamie's family is really awesome, and I look forward to visiting with them whenever I get a chance.  I'm really glad I made this trip, I had some much needed girl time, and I'm really glad I got to meet Hannah.  I can't wait to visit them in their new apartment!!!

The house they were staying in had two giant butterfly bushes, with big purple flowers, and the beautiful lacy winged creatures flocked to them in hoards. 

Seafood at the beach is the way to go.  I love me some yummy shellfish!  Oh, and I must say, Mamie always has thee best stack of bracelets on.  It's a rare site to see a bare wrist on this stylish lady.  

After dinner we went down the street to a dock in the bay, and we took some great sunset photos.  Actually, I have so many I'm going to save a few for later in the week.  

Good times with the Schillers and Hannah.  Indie is the Chesapeake Retriever, and Charlie is the lil' Cockapoo.  Sadly, I didn't catch any pictures of Mamie's cute kid sister, Katie.  She's awesome too. :)  She came to the shore with a gaggle of lady-friends, and they were busy having quality girl time, while we were watching the sunset.  Also not pictured here was the awesome tandem bike Mamie and Hannah were riding together for their stay.  I'm kicking myself in the butt for not getting a shot of them riding together.  Very disappointed in myself!  Sometimes lugging a giant camera bag around the sandy beach is the last thing on my to-do list though.  I totally loved riding bikes at the beach.  I could do that everyday for the rest of my life.  I came home looking up prices for beach cruisers, and wondering how hard it would be to find a cruiser with gears.  

Well I want to work on some other blog stuff, and go outside for a bit.  Have a great Sunday, and happy DIYing, chris!

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