Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun Friday Fascinations #44

#1.  I've been dreaming of gardening.  I can't wait for spring to arrive.  So to get gardening inspiration I've been searching the web, and I found this great DIY Outdoor Vertical Gardening idea on Shelterness.  They are using gutters as hanging planters for lettuce and herbs.  What a fantastic idea!  Though I'm fairly certain those types of plants wouldn't grow that giant with that shallow of a root space.  Could look great with some small plants that grow their roots out instead of down.  Of course you could grow herbs and lettuce in there, but don't expect them to get as giant as they would in the ground, or a larger container.  

#2.  Love this great Furniture Makeover I found on Dream Green DIY.  The herringbone stencil she used is lovely.  I have a dresser that is similar, that I've wanted to makeover.  Though I'm not sure the herringbone would work with the shape of the drawer faces.  I can't wait for warm weather so I can sand and paint furniture outside!  

#3.  Every new year brings my inner desire to organize everything I own to a heightened craze.  My jewelry has been driving me nuts since we moved, but I want to do something different then what I was doing before.  I love this DIY Vintage Jewelry Stand from Acute Designs.  

#4. I want to use this DIY Paper Basket from Ellinée for more organizing projects.  I love the way the craft paper looks, but I'd also love to experiment with other papers with a similar weight.  Like butcher paper, wrapping paper, or play with dying the paper.  The ideas are endless!

#5.  I love DIY stamps.  I'm not sure why I haven't made any of my own, but every time I see a tutorial I pin it.  Like this lovely DIY Stamp Village I found on Fellow Fellow.  It's especially funny that I pin the tutorials, because I have a degree in printmaking, so I know about stamp making, and all sorts of relief printing processes.  Yet for some reason I've been keeping my love for printmaking at an arms length.  Just admiring it's many facets from afar.  

Well I hope you enjoyed my finds, and Happy Fun Friday Fascinations, chris!


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