Thursday, January 19, 2012

Homemade Mod Podge!

Today I wanted to make a crafter's basic necessity, Mod Podge or decoupage glue.    Plus it couldn't be better timed, we ate spaghetti last night, and you need an empty jar (with a lid) for this project!

*If you'd like to learn more about this conncoction, and how it holds up against the real deal, check out this review, Homemade Mod Podge vs. Real Mod Podge

-1 1/2 Cup Flour
-1/4 Cup of Granulated Sugar
-1 Tsp Oil (any kind)
-1 1/4 Cup Water
- Empty Jar (w/air tight lid)

- First measure out all of your ingredients.  

- Slowly mix all the ingredients together over low heat. 

- Combine the ingredients until they are well mixed, if it gets too thick add more water. Make sure the water doesn't boil, or the mixture will get very clumpy.  If you want a higher varnish, add more oil.

- Pour mixture into an air tight container, and store at room temperature.  

Hope you all enjoyed.  I borrowed this recipe via instructables.  My hubby helped me with all but the last photo.  Happy DIYing, chris!

EDIT: I recently (12/12) did a review on homemade Mod Podge vs. The Real Deal, if you'd like to know more about this mixture, and how it holds up check out this post.  Thanks lovelies, have a great time DIYing, chris!


Anonymous said...

Does this dry clear??

Unknown said...

@Anonymous Yes, it does dry clear. No sheen to it though, very matte finish. If you want a glossier finished product, simply paint over the item with a clear high gloss varnish. Or you could add some clear glossy varnish to the homemade modge podge mixture.

Anonymous said...


I tried making it and it came out very clumpy. Had to add extra water. I used it yesterday and it left a very odd finish, almost like small clumps of flour. The paper also started to disintegrate once I put it on.

Anonymous said...

Best receipe I saw was Half Elmer's glue and Half Water. I am iffy about using flour.

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to know if this recipe would have the lasting results that mod podge gives, I might have to give it a try. The elmers glue/water recipe that I have seen floating around does not work well, most projects end up yellowing or flaking over time.

Anonymous said...

I used it and it dried yellow...

Unknown said...

@Anonymous I've tried a lot of different recipes for homemade Modge Podge, and nothing will be as good as the real thing. This works in a pinch, but the flour and sugar means the mixture will go bad over time, unlike Modge Podge. As you can see in the comments some people have trouble with clumping and yellowing. I didn't have those troubles, but I'm not surprised that this isn't an exact replacement for the real deal.

Anonymous said...

Just mix glue with water. No need to get all fancy with other stuff.

Unknown said...

@Anonymous Unless you don't have glue in the house, then get as fancy as you please! Or if you're a fancy person in general, then just glue and water is extra lame!

Anonymous said...

Do you put it over or under the paper?

Unknown said...

@Anonymous Both.

Accounting Warrior said...

I'm not a fan of Mod Podge. I prefer Plaid's Royal Coat Decoupage Medium for projects I want to last long-term. But it's pricy and I'm always in the market for more economical alternatives. This was an informative. Thanks!

Unknown said...

@Accounting Warrior I'll have to check out Plaid's Royal Coat Decoupage Medium! Thanks for checking out my blog.

Anonymous said...

Is modge podge and American thing or can I pick up in the UK?? Or is there a British alternative? Thanks in advance :)

Unknown said...

@Anonymous Modge Podge is a brand of decoupage medium. It works like a glue, and clear varnish laquer all in one. Which makes it great for collaging, and applying paper or fabric to any type of surface. Not sure what the british equivalent is, but I'm sure your craft/art supply stores would have a varnish or laquer labeled for decoupage use.

Anonymous said...

Useing this on my christmas orniments let u know how they turn out

Cassie Wood said...

I found that using a whisk for mixing was best. Low heat- means LOW Heat ( 1 or 2) setting on the stove. I burnt my first batch LOL.

I only cooked until warm so as to not burn the second batch. I am hoping it works out.

Anonymous said...

I found that it didn't really work....

SpecialK said...

This seems like a great idea, and something that was used to decorate piniatas with....Can't wait to try it. As for the yellowing of stuff, I think it would be a great aging effect, or vintage....excited!!

Jessy said...

what I don't get is what if you use it on shoes, with sugar it will get all the bugs coming right at you, no? I don't trust this too much.. looks good as mash but not modge pod

Unknown said...

@SpecialK Thanks for the positive feedback. A pinata is exactly the type of DIY this would be perfect for.

Happy DIYing, chris!

Unknown said...

@Jessy No one suggested you use in on shoes. This isn't an exact replacement for Mod Podge, just a good stand in for simple projects when you're in a pinch. Perfect for kid art. They could eat it with no ill effects, unlike Mod Podge.

Thanks for leaving such a pleasant comment Jessy. You're too kind. Ha! Don't knock something until you try it yourself, and if you don't have anything nice or constructive to contribute, keep your trap shut!

Unknown said...

PERFECT for edible items like decorating boiled eggs with sprinkles for Easter! :)

Unknown said...

Ashley I like your idea. I'll be sure to try that next yr when my daughter and I decorate eggs. And I think I'll try the piñata idea for her birthday this yr.

GreatWhiteDove said...

@Ashley Burns

I am wanting to try my hand at with this. Have a few ideas to make for Mother's Thanks for the information. I'm gonna PIN this one!

Unknown said...

One word of caution, BUGS! LOL, I used this as an alternative and it attracts ants BIG TIME!! So be careful if you are anywhere there is a chance it may attract bugs of any kind and do set your project out in the sun to dry like we did

Unknown said...

Yeah I used half Elmer's gle and half water. It's a simpler cheap recipie with half of the hassle

Unknown said...

i'm thinking that this will mold, certainly enough food for bacteria to run rampant with the flour AND sugar. this wouldn't be a good thing to use on something that you are deco-ing to last like furniture, art, etc. this is def and kids mix for items that weren't meant to last. like pinatas and maybe other simple kids crafts... and i absolutely wouldn't put this on shoes that have any value either monetary or otherwise.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

@Stacy Frasure Weird. I can understand how bugs could be a problem (sugar + flour = perfect ant food), but for some reason my house ants have absolutely no interest in the things that I used this homemade Mod Podge on. I even store one of my projects right next to all the plants the ants live in, and I haven't seen one ant on my seed container.

Unknown said...

@Yookin Tryta Interesting point. I haven't had any problems with mold, but I see how it could be an issue. I totally agree that this is good for kid projects and the like, and nothing ment to last. Though the original project I used this for (over a year ago) has no problems with mold or ants.

Unknown said...

I love to save a buck , but for some things its best not to scrimp. I put paper napkins on glass balls for christmas ornaments about 5 years ago. I used Modge Podge, and they look the same as they did when I made them.

ChaChaCha said...

Hi Christine :-) I am just getting into DIY -- BIG TIME! I'm getting ready to move and I plan on re-doing all my furniture, painting the walls, etc. I'm considering doing some decoupage on a couple of end tables I bought at an estate sale (I'm going to buy actual Mod Podge for those, of course) but I just made some of this home-made and I'm going to use it for a couple of small projects for me and my five-year-old daughter. Thank you for posting this recipe and your comparison between the home-made and the real thing, it has been VERY helpful to me! -Chandra

Malu { Jelly } said...

Thanks so much! I was looking for this DIY for so long,finally found it :D

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why there are so many negative comments on is as simple as you can try it or don't. It worked for her, if you don't trust it that. just don't do it!

Thank you for this DIY

Darkmoon Doll said...

@Shannonb Can you use it as a varnish for paper beads?

Unknown said...

@Trina Sandress It doesn't have much of a sheen when it dries, so it might not be the best option.

Unknown said...

How long will it keep? (In an airtight container)

Unknown said...

I have used Elmers glue and water for 10 years and have never had a problem. The work I have used it for is still in great condition. Some I have put a sealer over, and they are indestructible. Without are doing very well. I have never used MOD Podge, so I can not comment on it.

Unknown said...

I'm hoping it doesn't attract mice with the ingredients.....