
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March in Numbers

March in Numbers

I loved March's handmade calendar.  That dang elephant pair is too darn cute!  Our special days I marked are Jessica's birthday, Daylight Savings, St. Patrick's Day, the First Day of Spring, and Cricket's 7 Month mark.  

*I started a Facebook page for 365 at the end of February, and I'm up to 170 FOLLOWERS!  Thank you everyone!  I'm happy to have ya'll here, and I hope you keep coming back!  
*At the end of last month I had seven awesome Google+ followers, and now the blog is up to 19 FOLLOWERS!  Thank you new comers & returning followers!  Come, stay awhile, have a cup of tea, and tell your friends!  :)  I'm so happy to have your company.  
*I made 31 blog posts!  Of all those blog entries I posted 5 recipes, 11 DIYs, and 8 photo based project posts.  

*I traveled to 14 different schools.  Collecting payment for 985 miles driven!  I took approximately 2768 individual pictures and 3 group photos.  

*Aaron and I sent special happy thoughts to Jessica on March 3rd for her birthday.  We made a card, but it never made it :(  The card made it all the way to California, and then came all the way back to Delaware, and it's been sitting on the desk ever since.  Opps!  I'm terrible with celebrating birthdays!  

*On March 20th we gathered to celebrate my brother, Chris announcing his engagement to his lovely girlfriend Jamie!  

*Cricket reached her 7 month mark, since her cancer diagnosis.

 April's special dates include Easter, our one year wedding anniversary!, and Chris' birthday on the twenty-fifth.
April's little nest calendar is pretty cute too! March was a great month, and April will only be better!  Happy DIYing, chris!

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