
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Warm Days in the Garden

For today's Saturday Blogger Love I want to highlight Annika over on The Pineneedle Collective.  She has a lovely sense of style. Bright colors, fun tights, cute shoes, and colorful hair.  Anyone who mixes prints and brilliant colors wins my vote.  Then add in some fun hair dye, and I'm sold!  To top it all off she also sews, and has some great fashion related DIYs.  All around great blog, definitely check her out!  Plus, she turned me on to Chictopia, Annika posted that she was awarded May Style Icon.  Congratulations to her!  

So since I haven't done an outfit post in weeks.  Without any further ado ...

This was the perfect outfit for some light gardening, and a long walk with the dogmander and mister. 

These are my three favorite accessories.  I'm in love with my rock necklace, and I love wearing a clock with it.  The two necklace lengths worked perfectly.  My stepdad gave me the bracelet, it was his mother's.  This is my favorite bracelet, and I compare all other's to it. 

Tank Top -- Target
Shorts --  Kohl's
Shoes -- Dirty Laundry
Watch Necklace -- Urban Outfitters
Rock Necklace -- DIY handmade
Bracelet -- hand-me-down from my Step-Grandmother

I love mixing patterns and colors together.  Sometimes Aaron and I go a little overboard, but I'd rather majorly clash than wear all beige.  

I've noticed when scanning through the hoards of photos on Chictopia, my eye automatically zones in on these three things first.  
#1. an in-focus, well framed, and posed photograph
#3. a great blend of patterns and colors.  Including how the background works with the outfit.  

Most of my outfit photos are in green spaces.  Though I do live in suburbia, and a hop skip and a jump from philadelphia, or other city-like places.  I guess I could include some actual cement in some of my pics.  Actually, when I drive to schools in the city I see AMAZING graffiti, which I'm a big fan of.  I love graffiti.  As long as the person spraying his or her mark on the wall is actually trying to make something beautiful, I think it's beautifying the concrete jungle.  My favorite graffiti tends to be in the worst neighborhoods though.  I might feel extra awkward posing in front of some awesome graffiti, while my husband takes pictures of me.  I think I'll try out somewhere In my neighborhood first.  I think I might have some ideas ...

That's enough rambling, hope you had a good saturday, and happy DIYing, chris.  

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