
Friday, June 1, 2012

Fun Friday Fascinations #8

Happy Friday!  Here are some of my Fun Friday Fascinations I found this week on the web.  

This is a magical street fashion photo.  Found on The Sartorialist.  I  love how the sun is hitting her beautiful yellow dress, and the way the wind is slightly tugging at the back of the skirt.  Simply beautiful.

I'm drooling over this dress.  I love the print and the colors.  I better buy it from ModCloth before it disappears, that always seems to happen when I really like an item.  

Guy le Tatooer.  Just google image search, and be amazed.  

I saw this DIY a while back, but I think it's high time I gave this a try.  Fantastic instructions found on Bettina's Blog.  

I love to handmake any cards I give, and this would be awesome for father's day.  Poppytalk always has super inspiring posts.  

I've been thinking Moose needs a bow tie.  Ya know, for special occasions.  This tutorial from The Ribbon Retreat Blog for a baby bow tie look perfect.  

This find is a little on the DIY side of things and little of the food front.  What a great idea to use brown sugar as a mold for chocolates.  Thank you Domestic Fits!

Now for a nice relaxing drink.  Doesn't this watermelon and cucumber cooler look delightful?  Lauren concocted this yummy treat over on Healthy Food For Living.    

Hope ya'll enjoyed my finds this week.  I am currently enjoying the lovely Vermont spring weather, and I hope ya'll are having a fantastic Friday!  Happy DIYing, chris!

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