
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Pressed ... Ahh ... Things ...

Over on The Dainty Squid Kaylah posted photos of her pressed flowers, and I fell in love with the idea.  At first I had ambition intentions to make my own journal, but the other day I was at Michael's, and they had this amazing journal for only a buck!  Of course I had to buy it, so for today's Saturday Blogger Love I wanted to celebrate Kaylah, and show you my first pressing from Wednesday's evening walk. Kaylah has an amazing blog.  She has great style, amazing hair, fantastic tattoos, and I like every posts she writes.  I either leave her blog thinking 'yeah, I love that too!', or 'or wow I didn't know about that, I'm going to check that out soon!'.  I think of her as one of the illustrious established bloggers, so I feel like most of you probably already read her blog, but if not definitely check her out!  Love her blog.  

I guess I'm kind of picky about what I carry around on our walks.  I feel like a little kid when I have mushrooms in my hand, but they are so fragile I can only carry so many.  The 'bike safe' sticker caught my eye, and I almost past it up, but then I doubled back for it.  So glad I did.  It looks awesome on my first page.  Oh, and I must say, I was pleasantly pleased with the paper inside this dollar notebook.  The color couldn't be more prefect for pressing my finds against.  

Right now I'm up in Vermont, and hopefully I'm pressing some awesome New England finds in this new lovely notebook.  Hope ya'll are having a great Saturday!  Happy DIYing, chris!

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